Fisher Cats Be Aware Of The Danger To Small Dogs And Cats

I have to admit I haven't cried this hard ever.  I cried TWO rivers.
RIP Sweet girl

This sweet pup and her owner have the same routine night after night.  They go outside, sit on the deck and the dog wanders closely on a short lead while the owner is right there within a few feet of her.  A fisher cat came out of no where, bit through the metal lead and snatched the dog away.  The owner ran after them but couldn't find them as it was very dark.  She called her neighbors and friends to come help her find pup with no luck.  The dog didn't whimper or cry when it was taken as we think she was instantly killed.  All the owner heard was a screaming sound from the fisher cat.   

"Pup" was only 9 years old and the owner had her ever since she was as a puppy.  She was stringent with her care and safety.   This was a very traumatizing experience for all.  

Fisher cats are from the weasel family. They are increasing in numbers in the United States and attack pets. They also target chickens.   Here are ways to keep them away.

Food sources-Eliminate Them
To keeping fisher cats away, remove food that will draw them to your home. Fisher cats are predators that are attracted by food. They eat berries and fruit when it’s available.  The fisher cat favors meat, and might be attracted to bird feeders, seed beneath the feeders, or water sources in the yard.

Fisher cats are extremely vicious predators.  Your small pet will not be any match for them. Fisher cats have been known to stalk and kill house pets.

It has been know that fisher cats go after and kill cats.  Keep your cat indoors, as well as any small dogs.  Do NOT leave any pet unattended.
Larger dogs may actually keep fisher cats away. 

Remove decaying organic materials from your yard. Fisher cats will nest in this, such as logs, stumps & brush. 
Trim your brushes and trees. Mow the lawn regularly so that they have fewer hiding places.
Get predator urine. Example, coyotes, wolves, eagles, owls, bobcats, and mountain lions secrete smells that might detour a fisher cat.

Strange how the name of this animal is fisher cat.  It's neither a fish or a cat.  Where did it come from?  It came from the word fitch which is a Eurpoean pole cat.

I started a fundraiser for the Connecticut Humane Society just because I LOVE animals,  It was a week before Chloe was attacked.  I will be dedicating the donation in her name and the owners name.   Please share to raise the awareness.   I want to keep her memory alive.  I was totally unaware of many dangers to our small pets until now. 

Donate if you can:  See below.  The idea is to raise $500 to donate to the CT humane society in Chloe's name.  If 1 person donates $5 and then tells 5 friends and that spreads, that's what my goal is.  TO SPREAD THE WORD to protect other animals and to also honor her memory.  She was my best friends dog.   

Connecticut Humane Society Donate / Memory of Chloe

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