Emergency Room Visits

Yesterday I was driving back from New Hampshire.  I had been on the road all day from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.  I was about 30 minutes from home when I started seeing this squiggly, translucent "N" shaped thing in the middle of  my left eye.  I tried to ignore it for a while until the "N" turned into a sideways "V".   The color went from clear and squiggly to a bit of a rainbow color.  What on earth, I thought?

My heart started pounding and my pulse went up to 102 (according to my fitbit watch).  I drove to the nearest CVS to take my blood pressure.  The first reading was 184/94.  I thought to myself,  "That has got to be wrong".  I retook the test and it was even higher at 189/94.  I got back in the car and drove to the nearest Urgent Care, where they told me to go to the ER ASAP.

Yup, back in the car and drove to Baystate ER which was about 10 minutes away from the urgent care center.  Luckily I found a parking spot right away.  I walked in and they took my info right away.  I explained my symptoms along with the 189/94 BP.   They had me put my finger in a finger pulse oximeter.  They didn't say much except  "Take a seat over there and we will call you when it's your turn for triage."  At that time it was 4:30 pm.

I sat down thinking it would be about 15 minutes or so until I got called.  Boy was I wrong.  They called name after name after name.  After 1 hour passed they finally called me into triage.  I told them the same thing I told the registering tech.  The nurse took my temp and blood pressure.  It was 159/94.  She then asked me to go back into the waiting room and wait for my name to be called to see the doctor.  Now 5:45 pm.

I'm thinking to myself, my blood pressure is pretty high, doesn't anybody care?  What if I have a stroke?  My blood pressure is usually in the high 120's.   I was just shoved back into the very crowded waiting room, which was standing room only.  People were hacking and coughing so hard, almost to the point of throwing up right in their seat.  I ended up doing a lot of walking around and not staying next to any sick people for too long.

After about 2 hours (7:45 pm) I was getting a bit anxious.  You see I had been waiting for a total of 3 hours now. I overheard a woman on her phone telling her friend that she had been there for 8 hours.  She was just about ready to leave and go home when they called her name.   She was one of the people that was coughing so hard and throwing up.

I was staring around at all the sick people and was trying to guess what was wrong with them.  Then one of the solid doors that says "No entrance" opened slowly.  A man in his 70's came out sobbing.  He was on the phone.  He said to the person on the other end of the phone; "She didn't make it, your her closest friend and I wanted to call you and tell you", and he began to sob uncontrollably.  I got up to console him but by the time I made it through the crowd, he had gone back through to locked doors he had came from.  No wonder I am waiting so long.  Behind those doors were some really seriously sick or hurt people. 

While I was waiting I was able to view all the snacks everyone was buying from the vending machines.  Peanut M&M's were a big hit along with plain lays chips (yellow bag), snickers, hot fries, skittles and a lot of soda and water.  The machines were so busy that at one point many things were selling out and the change mechanism wasn't working correctly.  It wouldn't take $5 bills anymore.  That was most likely because the machine was out of $1 bills for change.  I saw one man struggling to put in a $5 bill.  He did it like 10 times.  I walked over to him and explained the issue and gave him  5 $1.00 bills for his $5 and said try the single dollar.  He just stared at me with confusion.  I put the $1.00 bill in the machine and the machine sucked it right up.  He looked at me and smiled.  I finally realized he didn't speak any English.   In my very, very bad Spanish I think I sort of told him the cinco dolares no trabajo  solamente $1 dolares.  He nodded to me and smiled so he understood and said gracias.  I say  de nada.

After that fun field trip, I continued to pace the floors waiting and wondering when they would call me.  I looked around at all the very sick people with the flu, broken legs, arms, and one pregnant woman came in too.  She was 8 months along.  I jokingly thought to myself,  "Well there goes all of our places in line".

It's now 8:30 pm.  I have had enough of the waiting.
I walked up to the check in desk and asked how much longer for my name to be called so I can be seen by a doctor.  They nurse looked at the list and she said,  "Hmm let me see.  You have 8, 9, 10, nope 12 people ahead of you."  That equates to another 3+ hours waiting.   I wish I had a picture of the look on my face when she told me that.  As politely as I could possibly be at this time of night I let her know I was leaving and to take my name off the list.  I also mentioned to please not send me a bill because I will not pay it.  Of course she had nothing to do with billing but I felt better saying it.

I walked out of the ER feeling just as lousy as I did when I walked in 4 hours prior.  I drove home, drank alot of water and a tea, then got in my pj's, hugged my husband and the dogs and went to bed.  I slept okay despite the fact I thought I was going to die in my sleep  (LOL).

I followed up with my primary care doctor today.  When I arrived my BP was 159/80.  We waited a few minutes, took the BP again, and then it went down to the 139 range, which is still high for me.

We talked for a while and the doctor advised me to cut back on the salt, stress, red meat, sugar, alcohol and to exercise more.  She realizes I am only 115 pounds so it's not weight that is causing the high BP,   High blood pressure does run in my family.  She wants to see me back in 3 weeks or sooner if I do not feel better.  She also said to follow up with my eye doctor about the flashing wiggly things in my eyes.  It could have just been floaters.


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