Anticipation vs. the Real Thing

Ahhh, My first attempt at blogging.  Hopefully in a year I will look back at this, read it and get a chuckle out of how it all began.

Today's topic:  Anticipation

A few years ago my sister and I went to see my all time favorite comedian Lisa Lampanelli at the Calvin Theater  .  I am talking laugh out loud, bust a gut, laughing our asses off funny!. She was phenomenally hysterical.  I am a very bad speller.  Thank goodness for the on line dictionary.  dictionary

I was browsing on line and noticed Lisa was going to be at the Warner Theater in Torrington, CT in March 2017, which is a little over an hour from where I live.   So, in October of 2016,  I purchased 3 tickets.  One for me, my husband and again my sister.

Let the count down begin.  The anticipation leading up to the show was exciting.  I looked back and remembered the roaring laughter of the crowd and how my cheeks hurt the next day from laughing so hard.  I couldn't wait to have that experience again.

Yesterday;  Went to Costco to pick up the essentials for my sisters visit.  I got lobster tails, filet mignon, and randomly chose milano cookies for dessert.  I get everything home and I realize I don't have the slightest clue how to cook a lobster tail.  Thank god for the internet.  I found a ton of ways to prepare and cook the little tails  Recipies

My sister arrived and we ate our delicious feast, watched The age of Adeline, Good movie on Netflix/and pretty much jumped into the Lexus ES300H Lexus ,  Balise Lexus and took off.

Let our journey begin.  On our 1 hour and 17 minute drive, we listened to music, laughed and sang.

I found a place to park quickly and we went into a restaurant to have a cocktail.  It was very, very crowded so we only had one and walked to the theater and got into our seats.

My stomach had butterflies as I sat down in the 3rd row from the stage.  We were SO CLOSE!!
There's that feeling of anticipation that I love so much!!

The opening act came out and he wasn't very funny.

Finally Lisa came out.  I was ready to laugh my ass off just like I did a few years ago.  She looked great!  Her hair was colored a few different colors, she was so much thinner than the last time I saw her.  She told a few jokes, a few stories, answered a few questions from the audience and before you know it, she was saying good night.  She spent the whole time on the far side of the theater and didn't work the audience like she had in the past.

Hey, wait a minute.  I didn't laugh my ass off.  As a matter of fact I didn't laugh that much at all.  I was so disappointed.  I had waited for months and months for this and it wasn't anything like I remember it.  Don't get me wrong, a few of the jokes were funny, however not as entertaining as the prior show.

So to get back to my topic of anticipation vs the real thing.  I vote for anticipation on this one.


  1. It's almost scary how let down you can be when you prepare too much!


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